Our Role

Our Role As Independent Monitor

HCA’s Commitment: Under the APA, HCA committed to meeting obligations that included the following:

  • keeping major Mission Health facilities open,
  • continuing to provide certain key services,
  • continuing policies for uninsured and charity care, and
  • making significant capital investments in promised projects and programs.

Our Role as Independent Monitor: The Independent Monitor is obligated to assist Dogwood Health Trust and the six Advisory Boards in monitoring and evaluating HCA’s compliance with its commitments under the APA.

Our Process: We fulfill our role by evaluating documents and soliciting input and feedback from several entities and individuals, including:

  • reviewing HCA’s Annual Reports, evaluating supporting documentation, and conducting interviews;
  • soliciting input from the Advisory Boards and other stakeholders;
  • receiving feedback from individuals and groups through a series of Community Meetings; and
  • offering confidential methods for concerned individuals to submit inquiries or complaints to the Independent Monitor through both a confidential and/or anonymous web-based complaint submission portal and Telephone Hotline (We’re sorry, but the Independent Monitor’s Hotline and Complaint Submission Portal are under development. If you need to reach the Independent Monitor, please email the Independent Monitor at Mission@AffiliatedMonitors.com).